

Meet Dr. Ana Candia, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. In her practice as a Naturopathic Doctor, she will help you to remove the obstacles that have kept you from feeling your best, as well as offer you natural ways to optimize every aspect of your health. She will work with you one-on-one to get into the ROOT cause of your concern and create an individualized treatment plan suited to your specific goals and needs.




1. Hormonal Health

PMS got you down? Irregular cycles? PCOS? Concerns regarding your fertility? I’ve got you covered!

2. Digestive Health

Whether it’s severe food sensitivities, irritable-bowel syndrome or SIBO, these issues can have a very simple solution or be quite multi-factorial.

3. Pre & Post Natal Care

It is my goal to provide you with absolutely safe natural alternatives for the many ailments in both pregnancy as well as in the post-partum period.

4. Dermatology

Our skin gets put through all the elements. It is our first-line barrier and, at the same time, our face to the world outside.

5. Mood/Mental Illness

We are often told our moods are ‘in our head’, but the way we feel is also due to other physiological processes going on.

6. Nervous System/Stress Reset

Our fast-paced, modern lives have led to such conscious and subconscious overwhelm that our physiology is suffering. From digestive issues to insomnia and brain fog to heart palpitations, many of us are in desperate need of nervous system overhaul.

Treatment Approaches

  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Health Psychology & Lifestyle Modification
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Homeopathy
  • Physical Medicine



1. Is it covered by my insurance?

Yes it may be covered by your insurance plan. You can call to inquire your specific plan coverage.


2. What can I expect on my first visit?

Your first visit with me will be longer than most follow ups, usually about 90 minutes. I will ask you to discuss your chief concern(s) in detail and will also ask you a series of questions on other body systems, understand your health history and goals for treatment and possibly perform some physical exams.


3. What can I expect after that?

Your second follow up is usually 1-2 weeks after your initial visit, where we discuss your treatment plan. The follow ups there after may be 3-4 weeks after, or variable depending on your area of concern and treatment plan.